Build your portfolio

Be creative and build different trading portfolios until you come up with the one that best suits your needs. Choose amounts, investment categories and mutual funds to build your own portfolio. View the risk profile and historical returns for your portfolio.

Try out different scenarios before you invest

Use the interactive portfolio builder tool to become more familiar with the investment philosophy and process.
User-friendly layout
Simple charts help you understand the key information of the portfolio.
Use the portfolio builder chart to familiarise yourself with the investment process.
Be creative and experiment with different portfolios before you finally proceed with your investment.
Historical data
Try out as many scenarios as you like to see how different investment portfolios performed in the past.

Build your portfolio

Designing your portfolio is as easy as 1, 2, 3 simple steps. Try out different trading portfolios until you come up with the one that best suits your needs.

All fields are mandatory.
Step {{currentStep + 1}} of {{totalSteps}}
Investment amount
Risk profile
Lower risk
Higher risk
Potentially lower rewards
Potentially higher rewards
Portfolio allocation Value Weight
{{row.title}} {{row.value}} {{row.weight}}

Return on portfolio







The portfolio builder tool is designed for practice purposes only. In no case should it be considered part of an actual investment plan. Before making any decision, we suggest that you talk to one of our investment experts. The results produced by the tool are an approximation. They are solely based on the information you fill in and on theoretical assumptions. All the portfolios presented here are examples.


How can I invest in Alpha mutual funds?

Visit the Alpha Bank branch of your choice.

If you already bank with Alpha Bank:

  1. Find information on the mutual fund you want to invest through the Key Investor Information Document (KIID).
  2. Open a joint or individual trading account and choose the deposit account to be linked to it.
  3. Submit an application to participate in a mutual fund. Your linked bank account will be charged with the gross investment amount (invested capital + entry fees).

If you do not bank with Alpha Bank just yet, you must first open a deposit account as per the relevant bank procedure.

How can I keep track of my investment?


  • Using myAlpha Web. You only need to add your investments to your Products.
  • Using the Daily price bulletin. Multiply the number of units that you own by the NAV.

Every month you receive an email detailing all your investment information. You simply need to opt for online updates when you open your trading account or request to have your settings changed later on.

Every six months you receive a statement detailing the activity in your trading account, mailed to your home address. You simply need to opt for hard-copy updates when you open your trading account.