
Fund Facts

NAV (20.01.2025)
Total assets (20.01.2025)
YTD return
Inception date

Risk Profile

Lower risk
Higher risk
Lower expected return
Higher expected return


What it invests in

Portfolio mix

The Alpha Blue Chips Greek Equity Classic invests mainly in a diversified portfolio of equities issued by companies listed on the Athens Stock Exchange, focusing on large-cap stocks. It includes equities issued by companies operating in all sectors.

Investment objective

Achieving a total return through capital appreciation and income generation over the long run.

What the benchmark is

The Athex Composite Share Price index is the benchmark for the Alpha Blue Chips Greek Equity Classic fund.

It is used for the purpose of comparing performance. Therefore, it does not affect the active management of the mutual fund. As a result, the mutual fund portfolio structure may significantly differ from the benchmark.

Who it is intended for

To investors:

  • With a long-term investment horizon of 6 years.
  • With an aggressive investment profile.
  • Who wish to invest in a diversified portfolio of large-cap stocks in the Greek market, acknowledging that equity markets are subject to fluctuations and accepting the significant risk of capital loss.

How to invest

Purchasing shares

To invest in the Alpha Blue Chips Greek Equity Fund Classic, visit the Alpha Bank branch of your choice.

Find out how in our Investor guide.

Redeeming shares

You may redeem your shares on any business day. Τhe funds will be accessible in your account 3 business days following the transaction.

Find out about the entry and redemption fees (only available in Greek)

Get daily updates on the share NAV through the Daily price bulletin.

Monitoring your investment

Monitor the performance of the funds you have invested in:

  • Daily, using myAlpha Web. Just ensure you've added your investments to your Products.
  • Monthly, you'll receive a comprehensive email containing all your investment details. When setting up your trading account, you can easily opt for online updates or request to modify your settings later.


Choose the route that best matches your needs

Build your portfolio

Designing your portfolio is as easy as 1, 2, 3 simple steps. Try out different trading portfolios until you come up with the one that best suits your needs.
Choose amounts, investment categories and mutual funds to build your own portfolio. View the risk profile and historical returns for your portfolio.