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Alpha Asset Management M.F.M.C. was a sponsor of the 1st International Conference organized by Engineers and Public Works Constructors Fund (TMEDE)

Alpha Asset Management M.F.M.C. was a sponsor of the 1st International Conference organized by Engineers and Public Works Constructors Fund (TMEDE)

Alpha Asset Management M.F.M.C. was a sponsor of the 1st International Conference organized by Engineers and Public Works Constructors Fund (TMEDE), titled "Redefining the Future Horizons: Planning the Sustainable Strategies of Tomorrow". The Conference, held under the auspices of the Bank of Greece and the Technical Chamber of Greece, aimed to highlight the challenges posed by climate change, which need to be addressed by the State, the financial sector, the technical community, the business sector, and society at large."
Speaking at the panel "Sustainable Financing Strategies and Climate Risk", Christos Bossolis, Investments Director of Alpha Asset Management M.F.M.C., referred to the significant increase in investments required in the coming years for the energy transition in Greece, the private and public resources and tools for their financing, the role of the banking sector and capital markets, as well as factors affecting sustainable investment returns.

"The role of the state and European institutions is particularly critical in the country's energy transition. Clear strategic direction, a well-defined regulatory framework, and funding support are essential, especially for new technology energy projects", he mentioned during his speech.

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